
International Innovation Barometer 2025

Learn how the world’s most innovative leaders are financing innovation to succeed.

Cover image - International Innovation Barometer 2025

Innovation is not just a buzzword; it’s the driving force behind the rapid technological advancements shaping our world today. In Ayming’s 6th Edition of the International Innovation Barometer (IIB), we provide critical insights into how businesses worldwide are evolving their R&D strategies amidst financial pressures, AI integration, and shifting funding landscapes.

Why download the IIB?

This comprehensive report offers an in-depth analysis of the current state of innovation. It will help you stay ahead in an increasingly competitive landscape. By downloading the IIB you will discover:

Key Insights for 2025

  • Cost Reduction Overtakes Innovation: “Driving innovation” remains a priority, but “cost reduction” now leads as the top business focus.
  • R&D Budgets Resilience: R&D budgets increased slightly from 6.4% to 6.6%. Seventy-three percent of firms expect budget increases next year.
  • Rise of AI in R&D: Seventy-five percent of firms use AI for R&D activities. Eighty-six percent allocate budgets for AI research and development.
  • Growing Preference for Grants: Thirty-seven percent of businesses use innovation grants, now seen as a more secure funding source than R&D tax credits, which only thirty-one percent use.
  • Challenges in Grant Navigation: Identifying suitable grant opportunities poses the biggest barrier, with thirty-nine percent of businesses struggling to find the right fit.

What you’ll learn:

  • Maximizing innovation: Strategies to improve R&D outcomes while navigating cost pressures and volatile government funding schemes.
  • AI’s transformative impact: Learn how businesses are harnessing AI to drive innovation, streamline R&D processes, and stay ahead in the digital age.
  • Navigating grant funding: Get in-depth knowledge on how to identify and secure the right grant opportunities amidst a complex and evolving landscape.

Who should read the IIB?

  • R&D leaders: Benchmark your strategies and learn how AI is transforming the innovation process.
  • CEOs & CFOs: Gain insights into how businesses are balancing innovation with cost efficiency and securing new funding opportunities.
  • Innovation teams: Stay ahead of emerging trends in AI, funding, and R&D budget resilience to drive your business forward.

Why the IIB matters

By downloading the IIB, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the latest global trends in innovation, R&D strategies, and funding opportunities. Whether you’re aiming to implement cutting-edge technologies, navigate the evolving grant landscape, or foster diverse innovation teams, Ayming’s International Innovation Barometer is your go-to resource.

Download the 6th Edition International Innovation Barometer today and unlock the latest R&D trends and strategies that will drive your business forward.