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R&D Tax Credits for the Cosmetics sector

Research and development tax credits are some of the most under-claimed tax benefits in nearly every industry. Ayming’s industry-specific experts understand your business and work with you to assess whether your research activities qualify for R&D tax incentives.

Tax credit consultants for the cosmetics and beauty industry

The United States has one of the largest cosmetics and beauty industries in the world, and much like pharma or biotech – given the crucial importance of consumer health and safety – it’s also one of the most highly regulated. This extremely competitive sector is driven by ever-rising standards, frequently changing trends, and diverse buying behavior, which is why research and innovation are such monumental factors in cosmetic companies’ success. Still, many cosmetic companies and related chemical producers and manufacturers don’t take advantage of opportunities for tax credits related to research and development.

Our industry-specific consultants have hands-on experience and knowledge of the Cosmetics sector. We always take the time to truly understand how your company innovates so that we can expertly identify all qualifying expenditures to help you make a successful claim for R&D tax credits.

Which activities qualify for R&D tax relief in cosmetics?Various cosmetics laid out on a table

The types of activities that qualify for R&D tax credits include:

  • Formula development
  • Scale-up processes
  • Pilot bath production
  • And many more…

Download your free factsheet

We’ve put together a handy, streamlined summary of research and development in the Cosmetics industry. Simply fill in your details to download your free factsheet and learn more about building your business with R&D tax incentives.